Make an appointment

The Progression Advice Team provide non-judgmental support to students of all backgrounds. 

Appointment availability

Appointments are available 9:30am – 3:30pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Appointments are offered via telephone, Teams, or on campus.

Making an appointment

Book an appointment using Advice Zone Online (please search for ‘progression’ appointments) and select the relevant option (contact method) from the dropdown. Include a reason for booking in the Enquirer notes. 

Let us know at the time of booking if you require the appointment through the medium of Welsh or English.  Please note, it may be necessary to arrange for a simultaneous translator to be present.

Should you wish another person to speak on your behalf you must provide written confirmation from your university e-mail account to [email protected] before the meeting.

You can also book an appointment by contacting the Advice Zone, where they can assess your needs and refer you to appropriate support.

Please email [email protected] if you are unsure whether we are the right service for you.

Your appointment: what you can expect

At your appointment, you do not have to disclose your personal circumstances, but it may help us to provide further advice that is applicable and appropriate for your circumstances. Where possible the adviser will look at your profile before your meeting. The adviser will take notes at the appointment and will email you a summary of the meeting, including any advice provided and links to information and support. This will be handled in accordance with GDPR.

Cancelling your appointment

If you can’t keep an appointment please cancel it using Advice Zone Online as soon as possible. This is so we can use the time to support other students.

Please ensure you keep to the appointment time otherwise we may not be able to accommodate your appointment. At busy times, this could delay our ability to speak to you for several days.  

Contact us

Email:  [email protected]

Lynda Jones

Lynda Jones

Senior Progression Adviser

Jon Emery

Jon Emery

Progression Adviser

CD (002).jpg

Claire Davies

Progression Adviser

Image of Progression Adviser Helen Bowen

Helen Bowen

Progression Adviser

Helen Pare

Helen Pare

Progression Adviser

Brenda Jones

Brenda Jones

Progression Adviser

Kara Mayne

Kara Mayne

Progression Adviser

Feedback loop, "we want to hear your voice"

Progression Advice welcomes your feedback. 

As a team we continually monitor our service and always look to support students in the best way possible in line with University regulations and processes.  

If you would like to provide feedback please submit using this free-text MS form.

All responses are anonymous unless you choose to provide your Name/ID and email address.